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US Legal Forms Affiliate Program

Join the US Legal Forms Affiliate Program

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Already earning commissions? Track your affiliate earnings from all networks in one dashboard.

Affilimate is an analytics tool that aggregates all your website's affiliate data in a single dashboard.

Then, gives you attribution data & content insights that reveals which pages and links are earning the most, so you can grow your revenue.

Affilimate is a paid analytics product, not an affiliate network.


What you should know about the US Legal Forms affiliate program

As the name suggests, US Legal Forms is in the business of selling legal forms for personal and business use. Their library is exhaustive, with over 85,000 ready-made fillable forms and documents available for paid members. It's a great program to add to your real-estate offerings because there will always be a homeowner, broker, or a business looking for a legal home sale or rental form.

To start earning as an affiliate, add a trackable link on your website, and you will get paid a commission every time a customer signs up using the link. While US Legal Forms haven't disclosed their specific commission rates, you can expect to get paid every time you hit the minimum threshold of $50.

The company has a number of different options available if you're deciding to sell niche-specific forms like real estate instead of the whole enchilada. They're open to fees per form sold or you offering all the forms for free on your site in exchange for paying a fee directly to the company.

There are just the two easy pricing plans currently, at $39 and $59 per month when billed on a monthly basis.

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